UC Hardware as a Service

We believe in providing our customers with choice.
Our HaaS rental program provides businesses with the latest and greatest in meeting space and personal unified communications hardware.
Hardware as a Service
The convenience of getting personal devices and meeting space technology via a simple monthly payment with our HaaS program
HaaS Program Benefits
Budget-friendly OpEx model
No heavy upfront costs or investments — just a single monthly payment.
Receive up-to-date UC devices
Receive the latest and greatest in UC hardware without investing in depreciating assets.
Schedule a HaaS discovery call with us today!
Refresh hardware
Flexible end-of-term options include the ability to update your hardware.
Fully-managed solution
Your hardware is fully managed by UnifiedCommunications.com so you can focus on the work that matters to you.
Easily bundle services
Easily bundle services into your monthly payment. These can include deployment, day 2, extended warranty, and other services.
Meeting Spaces
All the peripherals needed to run stellar meetings, including video and audio conferencing devices.
Personal Devices
Equip your users with devices that enable them to work at their best, including headsets, phones, and webcams.
Bundle services into your monthly payment. Can include deployment, day 2, extended warranty, and more.
Learn more about HaaS — Contact us today!

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