How Do You Create the Modern Workplace? Episode 1: Hybrid Work

How do you create the modern workplace? What’s the truth about hybrid work? Is it here to stay? Is it a net benefit to the organization in terms of productivity? What about its impact on culture? 

At, we’ve spent a lot of time on this issue – because our technology solutions, our professional services, and our customer conversations – revolve around how to get the most out of modern work.  

Listen to Ryan Herbst, Chief Strategy Officer at, discuss the impact of hybrid on culture in this short video – and download our infographic on hybrid work best practices.

Embracing hybrid work goes far beyond declaring it a good thing and allowing workers to work from home a few days a week. A smart hybrid strategy requires a comprehensive approach that encompasses investments in technology, planning, and, most importantly, a cultural shift from a leadership perspective. 

Modern workplace


By embracing hybrid work, you have an opportunity to create a work environment where employees feel valued, empowered, and trusted. This, in turn, fuels their engagement, productivity, and overall satisfaction.